A long and sordid affair this one is–as well as a political transformation hidden away from the awareness of the people of Canada by media for the past forty years.
CAP have expressed many a feeling on this topic, so we will herein attempt to stick to basic historical events:
1968– Liberal Party leader Pierre Trudeau becomes prime minister of Canada.
1971– A mere eight months after he became the first western leader to establish diplomatic ties with China after meeting with Chairman Mao Tse Tung, Pierre Trudeau forces “multiculturalism” upon an unsuspecting Anglophone community– as well as Canada in general.
1982– Pierre Trudeau entrenches the anti-Anglophone, pro-3rd World “Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” Although ostensibly an act to create equality among all Canadian communities, the reality is that the Charter serves as a social mechanism to advance 3rd World Canada, and disempower “Old Stock” Canada. Media utter not a word about this.
1988- Multicultural Act of Canada. This begins a transfer of some $30 Billion Dollars from tax-payers to not-for-profit 3rd World immigration and multicultural organizations.
2015: Justin Trudeau becomes prime minister. Like his father, his family arrogance results in a series of unilateral decisions and proclamations on behalf of every living Canadian.
Canada is a “post-modern” nation. Canada has “no core identity.” Next, against the will of the people, and without any public mandate whatsoever, Justin proceeds to entrench the Nation of Islam within the fabric of Canadian society.